Wednesday, April 15, 2009


with a partner, write down three things in your notebook that you have leaned so far about

lesiure time in the United States.

1. Korean students(man)

I think most of korean students usually play sports like soccer, basketball and word out.

They really like sports, so we can see them everyday in the gym.

Also, we used to watch many movies as much as we can.

2. American students

I think they usually watch the TV.

Almost students have TV in their room.

They really like sports program like baseball, basketball and football.

3. Professor

I think they usually hit the books and read book.

They preapare the class for teaching us.

And, they usually surfing the net.

They get a lot mail from students ,so they should check it.

Even though our assignments and quizzes

Thursday, April 2, 2009


DATE: APRIL 02, 2009

This quiz was difficult to me.
It was so cofused.
However, I could solve the problems after i spent time for studying.
we need to practice like this.
I will study more harder.

Date: 09/14/2005

Many ESL learners are concerned about eliminating their accents, but before you run out and spend hundreds of dollars on the latest pronunciation course, let me give you some things to think about.

First, the main goal of any pronunciation course should be to focus on accent reduction, not accent elimination, which is virtually impossible. Rather, students should work on reducing areas of their pronunciation that affect comprehensibility, that is, areas of their accents that make it difficult for native speakers to understand them.
Second, with this goal in mind, students need to be able to identify which specific areas of pronunciation give them the most trouble. Of course, there are universal areas of pronunciation that affect specific language groups, and reading up on these commonalities will help you. Furthermore, if you take a class on pronunciation, the teacher probably will ask you to record a speech sample which can be analyzed to check which specific areas you need to work on, for example, vowel and consonant sounds, word and sentence stress, and word reductions, and linking, and intonation.


this website make me helpful to practice pronunciation.
we have to practice listening every day.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

reflection about my presentation

why we should not using plastic bags

My topic was "why we should not using plastic bags." Actually, before I choose this topic, I changed my topic three times. One day, I realized that using plastic bags cause very serious problems.

First, I searched about why the plastic bag make probelms and what solutions are.

During find the resourses, I was so suprised. Because using plastic bags cause serious environmental problems and economical probelms than I thought.

Second, I wrote the outline about plastic bags.

My outline is divided three things which are Intro, Body, and conclusion.

Third, I wrote pre-speech Evaluation and Final.

And then, I made my Power Point.

I did not put many words in each slides. I put some pictures to concentrate.

Finally I did my presentation on last Thursday. I was so nervous.

I can not explain how much I got nervous before presentation.

My voice was vibrating and I think I made many grammar mistake when I gave speech.

I hope that my speech is helpful information to audience.

Monday, February 23, 2009

FEB 23, 2009

Whenever you save energy, you not only save money, you also reduce the demand for such fossil fuels as coal, oil, and natural gas. Less burning of fossil fuels also means lower emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary contributor to global warming, and other pollutants.
You do not have to do without to achieve these savings. There is now an energy efficient alternative for almost every kind of appliance or light fixture. That means that consumers have a real choice and the power to change their energy use on a revolutionary scale.

-Practical things I can do!

-Turn your refrigerator down.
-Set your clothes washer to the warm or cold water setting, not hot.
-Turn off the TV
-If you need to warm up or defrost small amounts of food, use a microwave instead of the stove
to save energy.
-Use less hot water by installing low-flow shower heads.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

NAME: Minah Kim
DATE: FEB 17,2009

Sustainability is broadly defined as meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The term "sustainability", when applied institutionally within a university, is essentially the development of a process or management system that helps to create a vibrant campus economy and high quality of life while respecting the need to sustain natural resources and protect the environment. Sustainable programs are those that result from an institution's commitment to environmental, social and economic health, or the "triple bottom line". Sustainability has both individual and institutional applicability, and is usually a balancing act.

I have never heard that word. However, after I searched the mean I could know that.
These days, some solutions are in our society to support ecosystems.
Sustainabilty is: improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting eco-systems.
My current habit is Kinesthetic.
when I memorize something, I used the another word to memorize.
However, I also used to writing and reading.
I will try to study using the book and reading more than before.

Monday, February 16, 2009

learn style

Feb 16, 2009
Name: Minah Kim
Source: Bark-learn style

Monday, February 9, 2009

Learning Log

Date: 02/09/2009
Source: Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab
Topic: A Student Credit Cards
Level: Medium

Reflection :)
This time, I listened more carefully than before.
I want to take good score than first Quiz.
But I missed one thing. I had an unsatisfied feeling.
Women pronounce fater than men.
Their pronunciation is exactly so I can listen easily.
I try to get 100% score next time!!
Notes on the topic:)
I learned dough means same as money.
I have been knowing dough means a mixture of flour, water, etc used for
baking into bread.
Also, ridiculous means very silly or unreasonable.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Now days, the companies advertise their products.

The advertisements are increasing more and more to expend their profits.

We can see the advertisement on TV.

The companies have to make a fantastic advertisement and and enticing advertisement.

Because people usually memorize more impressive advetisement than other.

Some companies made comparision advertisement to emphasis their products.

We can see the advertisement easily in our society.

I also saw some advertisements in our school.

I saw some drink advertisements like POWERADE, VITAMIN WATER, and FUZE.

Powerade -with vitamins, energy, power, hydration

Fuze- refresh, healthy infuzion.

Vitamin water- low calories, for less inch to pinch, no sodium than we'd be saltwater.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What is sustainability and why should we care about it anyway?

Date: 01/29/2009
Source: The speech
Topic: What is sustainability and why should we care about it anyway?
First of all, I searched about 'sustainability'.
The term “sustainability” is often thrown around in public discourse, especially in discussion about the environment. However, not everyone is certain about the meaning of sustainability, and different people think about it in different ways. The etymology of the word “sustainable” incorporates Latin words meaning to hold up from below. Most dictionaries define “sustainability” as the ability to continue an action without the risk of failure or collapse. A strong building is sustainable, because it is able to hold up a load indefinitely. Clear cutting is not sustainable, because it strips an area of trees which cannot be replaced, and exposes the environment to additional repercussions, because the ground is exposed.
I was note taking this.
people care about somethig, lf.
-They feel it is of consequence.
-They feel it affects them.
-They believe they can do something about it.
Some energy fundamentals.
-Hubbert depletion curve
-Exponential growth
-Rates of increase are really, exponential
-Boubling time = 70/12
Also, I saw the graph of the limits to growth such as pollution, food, and population.
we can understand easily through the big pictures.
The presentation showed a lot of picture instead of words.
Notes on the topic:)
repercussions- an unpleasant effect or result of something you do
hold up- to cause a delay

Monday, January 26, 2009

speech about FASD!!!!!!

Date: 01/26/2009
Topic: speech about FASD
Level: Medium

I saw the speech today in Kiehle hall.
I was so shocked by contents which speaker showed to us.
It was about comparing two infants.
He showed us pictures which is about how FASD affect to baby.
Some of children suffer from the lifelong brain demage because of mother's drinking during pregnant.
Alcohol is a teratogen.
Also, Lead, Thalidomide, and Alcohol by for, these are the three most demaging teratogens.

FASD shows permanent loss of the white brain matter of the corpus callosum.
Therefore, the person who is pregnant must not drink!!!!!!
He emphasised about this.
Stop prenatal exposure to Alcohol
1. Always ask the question. Finding out the true impact prenatul exposure is having in your community.
2. Train, train, train study the research.
3. Bring in people who have extensive knowledge to train your local officials.
4. Create incentives for alcohol-free pregnancies.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder(FASD)

Date: 01/26/2009
Topic: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder(FASD)

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) describes a continuum of permanent birth defects caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy, which includes, but is not limited to Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).[1][2]
Over time, as it became apparent through research and clinical experience that a range of effects (including physical, behavioral, and cognitive) could arise from prenatal alcohol exposure, the term Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, or FASD, was developed to include
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) as well as other conditions resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure.[3] There are a number of other subtypes with evolving nomenclature and definitions based on partial expressions of FAS, including Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (PFAS), Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND), Alcohol-Related Birth Defects (ARBD), and Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE).
The term Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders is not in itself a clinical diagnosis but describes the full range of disabilities that may result from prenatal alcohol exposure. Currently, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
[4][5][6] is the only expression of prenatal alcohol exposure that is defined by the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems and assigned ICD-9 and ICD-10 diagnoses.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

JAN 22, 2009 Assignment 2

JAN 22, 2009 Assignment 2
Minah Kim
This conversation is going on between Dr. Adams and talk show host.
They talked about the book which is written by Dr. Adams, authot of the book, Learning a Language over Eggs and Toast.
The topic sentence is here."well, one of the most important keys to learning another language is to establish a regular study program, like planning a few minutes every morning around breakfast time."
I think my listening skill is not enough. sometimes, I cannot hear prolong words. And lf someone speak faster than my expectaion in vedio or audio, i get nervous.
I always try to listen the key words. I need many exercises! :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

JAN 21, 2009 -Listening assignment

Hi everyone this is Randal.

I just want again to wish you happy new year.

And one of questions I have is for many people a new year is beginning of new goals, new ideas,

sometimes people change habits.

We often called? new years resolution.

So, things that you are planning on doing or changing your life for the coming year.

So I'd like to ask you what are some of your new years resolution for this year two thousand and


What do you planning to differently is any bad habit? or any thing would like to prove upon?

Share your ideas at blog. Thanks.

I don't know exactly which is red part.:)